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FASD Visualisation Research Project

In this project, our design team worked with Dr. James Reynold, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) Science researcher (Queens University), to prototype the use of Tableau visualisation software. The purpose was to create a template allowing researchers to easily test hypotheses and hunches of correlations of FASD data, from large data sets. The images in the documentation illustrate the vast amount of categorized data that can be chosen to correlate, and the various forms of visual documentation researchers can choose to visualise the correlations. The following illustrates the vast amount of categorized data that can be chosen to correlate, and the various forms of visual documentation researchers can choose to visualise the correlations.

Research Team

Lead Creator: Paula Gardner
Student Researchers: Mike Lovas, Symon Oliver, and Heather Nicol with Lindsey Wilkins, Marjan Verstappen, and Fareenha Chanda
Funding: CIV-DDD (GRAND NCE funded network)