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Selected Writing


Gardner, P., Gadzekpo, A. & Steeves, L. (Eds.) (2020). Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology 16, Special Double Issue: “African Feminist Media Studies.”–16–05ea0df0–6162–412e–b557–b79f5c37b5ee. (accessed July 15, 2021) Lead Editor. With co-editors, proposed, solicited, organized peer-review for, selected, and co-edited this special issue. Significant and multiple rounds of editorial input to support publishing early career African scholars on 5 of 9 articles.

Gardner, P. & Reeves, C. (Eds.) (2014). Public: Art, Ideas, Culture, No. 49. Special Issue: “Trauma as Cultural Phenomenon”. With co-editor, proposed, solicited, organized peer-review for, selected, and co-edited this special issue. Significant editorial input on 4 of 9 articles (one of which I authored).

Gardner, P., Lewis, B., & Metzl, J. (Eds.) (2003). Special Issue entitled “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Critical Psychiatry”, Journal of Medical Humanities.” Vol. 24, Nos. 1/2, Summer 2003. Lead editor: with co-editors, proposed, solicited, organized peer-review for, selected, and co-edited this special issue. Significant editorial input on 3 of 12 articles (one of which I authored).

Contributions to Books

Gardner, P. & Stein, S. (2019). Encouraging diverse women’s success in information communication technologies and media spaces. In R.A. Lind (Ed.), Race/Gender/Class/Media: Considering diversity across audiences, content, and producers (pp. 256–261). Routledge.

(2018). Interventions in communication: ICA’s scholarly innovations that interrupt, resituate, alter results, and incite social change. In A. Shaw & and D. Travers Scott (Eds.), Interventions: Communication research and practice (pp. 15–30). Peter Lang. doi: 10.3726/b13081.

(2010). Space, becoming, and dislocation: Politicizing mobile art. In L. Poissant & P. Tremblay (Eds.), Together, E2018lsewhere : Ensemble ailleurs (pp. 213–237). Presses de l’Université du Québec.

(2008). Mobile publics: Methods for making virtual spaces public. In M. Ladly & P. Beesley (Eds.), Mobile nation: Canadian design research network (pp. 185–195). Tuns Press/Riverside Architectural Press.

Journal Articles

Smith, A., MacArthur, C., Belgrave Sookhoo, J., Gardner, P., Papaioannou, A., Zheng, R., Surlin, S., & Akinyemi, A. (2020). “Think of it like a game”: The perspectives of older adults and health professionals on interactive exercise technology design. Physiotherapy Canada 0:00 (Advance Online Article) (10 published pages) doi: 10.3138/ptc-2019-0115.

Ng, E. & Gardner, P. (2020). Location, location, location: The politics of ICA conference venues. Communication, Culture and Critique, 13(2), 265–269.

(2018). Diversifying ICA: Identity, difference, and the politics of transformation. [ICA Presidential Address]. Journal of Communication, 68(1), 831–841. doi: 10.1093/joc/jqy050.

FemTechNet Collective Members (including Gardner, P). (2018). FemTechNet: A collective statement on teaching and learning race, feminism, and technology. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 39(1), 24–41.

(2018). Unpacking the global refugee crisis: Deploying the ethical and political work of affect. Communication Research & Practice, 4(1), 35–51.

(2016). Lessons in failing well: Hyper immigration— a postcolonial, feminist storytelling platform with refugee youth. InTensions. 8.0. (accessed July 15, 2021) (32 MS pages).

Gardner, P. & Jenkins, B. (2015). Bodily intra–actions with biometric devices. Body and Society, 22(1), 1–28. doi:10.1177/1357034X15604030.

(2014). The lived aesthetics of trauma. Trauma as cultural phenomenon [Special issue]. Public: Art, Ideas, Culture, 49, 41–50.

Gardner, P. & Reeves, C. (2014). Introduction: Black holes the science: Trauma, culture, aesthetics. Trauma as cultural phenomenon [Special issue]. Public: Art, Ideas, Culture, 49, 4–8.

Gardner, P. & Wray, B. (2013). Lab to living room: Consumer EEG monitors and their constructed imaginaries. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, 3. (accessed July 15, 2021) (31 MS pages).

Gardner, P., Shea, G. & Davila, P. (2010). Locative urban mobile art interventions: Methods for facilitating politicized social interactions. Aether: The Journal of Media Geography (5B), (16 MS pages).

(2007). Re–gendering depression: Risk, web health campaigns and the feminized pharmaco–subject. Canadian Journal of Communication, 32(3-4), 537-555.

(2003). Distorted packaging: Marketing depression as illness, drugs as cure. Journal of Medical Humanities, 24(1-2), 105-130.

Gardner, P. Metzl, J. & Lewis, B. (2003). Introduction: Special issue on critical psychiatry. Journal of Medical Humanities, 24(1-2), 3-7.

(2002). The perpetually sick self: The cultural promotion and self–management of mood illness. M/C: The Journal of Media and Culture, 5(5). (10 MS pages). doi: 10.5204/mcj.1986.

(2000). Necessary contradictory discourses: Psychology as expert and cultural negotiator in 2000. International Journal of Critical Psychiatry, 1(1), 140–146.

Proceedings of Meetings

Gardner, P., Surlin, S., Akinyemi, A. Rauchberg, J., McArthur, C., Zheng, R. Hao, Y. & Papaioannou, A. (2020). ABLE music: Arts–Based exercise enhancing LongEvity in Elders. In C. Stephanidis, M. Antona & S. Ntoa S. (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1294 (pp. 450–454). Springer, Cham. HCI International 2020 – Late Breaking Posters.

Gardner, P., McArthur, C., Akinyemi, A., Surlin, S. Zheng, R., Papaioannou, A., Hao, Y. & Xu, J. (2019). Employing interdisciplinary approaches in designing with fragile older adults: Advancing ABLE for Arts–based rehabilitative play and complex learning. In J. Zhou & G. Salvendy (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science; Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for the Elderly and Technology (pp. 1–19). Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978–3–030–22012–9_1.

Gardner, P., Surlin, S. & McArthur, C. (2018). ABLE: An arts–based, interactive physical therapy platform for seniors with dementia and frailty. In C. Stephanidis et al (Eds.), HCI International– Posters’ Extended Abstracts. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 851 (pp 141-48). Springer, Cham.

Jones, L., Gardner, P & Puckett, N. (2018). Your Body of Water: A Display that visualizes aesthetic heart rate data from a 3D camera. TEI ’18: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, (pp. 286-291).

Gardner, P., Sturgeon, H., Jones, L. & Surlin, S. (2016). Body Editing: Dance biofeedback experiments in apperception. In M. Kurosu (Ed.), Human–Computer Interaction; Interaction Platforms and Techniques; 18th International Conference, HCI International 2016, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 49-60.) Springer.

Surlin, S. and Gardner, P. Mobile Experience Lab: Body Editing. (2014). MobileHCI ’14: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices & Services, Toronto, ON, Canada (pp. 439-442.) ACM 978-1-4503-3004-6/14/09.

Verstappen, M., Poon D., Bettridge, T. & Gardner, P. (2014). Off the couch and out of the hospital: Mobile applications for acceptance and commitment therapy. MobileHCI ’14: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices & Services. CD–ROM Proceedings. Mobile HCI ’14, Toronto, ON, Canada (pp. 431-443.) ACM 978–1–4503–3004–6/14/09.

(2012). Resisting the trans–human subject: Biometric tools, code and modular thinking. Technology and Emerging Media, the Canadian Communication Association Proceedings, Congress, Waterloo, ON. (12 MS pages).

Gardner, P., Shea, G. & Davila, P. (2008). The mobile urban experience: Art interaction in PORTAGE. MediaCity Conference Proceedings, Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany. (15 MS pages).

White Papers

Stein, Suzanne and Prateeksah Singh, with Paula Gardner, Lynn Heller, Mithula Naik, Jill Sharrock and Emma Westecott. 2016. “FemLed Digital Enterprise Research Report Summary; A Look into Female Leadership for Women in Digital Media and Tech, Today and Tomorrow.” Submitted to Ontario Media Development Corporation. (122 pages)

Accepted for Publication

Journal Articles (In Final Form)

Vrkljan, B., Beauchamp, M., Gardner, P., Fang, Q.,  Kuspinar, A., McNicholas, P., , K. Newbold, B., Richardson, J., Scott, D., Zargoush, M., and Gruppuso, V. (2021). Re-engaging in aging and mobility research in the COVID-19 era: Early lessons from pivoting a large-scale, interdisciplinary study amidst a pandemic.  Canadian Journal on Aging; CIHR-Institute of Aging sponsored Special issue on Ageing Research in the COVID-19 Era. 

Journal Special Articles (In Final Form)

Gardner, P. & Kember, S. (Eds). (Forthcoming Oct. 2021.) Probing the System: Feminist Complications of Automated Technologies [Special issue]. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 7(2). With co-editor, proposed, solicited, organized peer-review for, selected, and co-edited this special issue. Significant editorial input on 4 of 10 articles (one of which I co-authored).

Proceedings of Meetings (In Final Form)

Gardner, P., Surlin, S. Akinyemi, A., Rauchberg, J., McArthur, C., Hao, Y., Zheng, R. & Papaioannou, A. (2021). Designing a dementia–informed, accessible, co–located gaming platform for diverse Older Adults with Dementia, family and carers. Communications in Computer and Information Science; ITAP (Human Aspects of IT for the Age Population), Proceedings 39, Spring, Cham.

Gardner, P., Surlin, S., Akinyemi, A., Rauchberg, J., McArthur, C., Hao, Y., Zheng R. &Papaioannou, A. (2021). ABLE Family: Remote, intergenerational play in the age of COVID–19.” HCI International, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Proceedings 26, Springer, Cham.