Public Scholarship and Gender Bias in ICT/M Spaces
A similar framework informs my public scholarship unpacking gender-based bias in internet, communication technology/media (ICT/M) spaces (OMDC Whitepaper 2016, Race/Gender 2019); and the EFECT (Experiments in Feminist Ethical Collaborative Technologies,) project, using anti-oppressive, feminist methods to create educational tools (2021). I confronted the patriarchal and colonial biases restraining access to leadership and publishing in the International Communication Association (ICA), informed by my position as President (2017–18) and my work supporting ICA conferences in Africa (2016–18). This research makes visible the different valences in collaboration labour that inculcate insecurity, precarity and retrench peripheralized positions. My work recommends how our research practices and institutional policies can recognize, address, and remunerate that labour. (Interventions 2018, Frontiers 2019, JoC 2018, CCC 2020). Finally, my team will employ these collaboration methods in recently won (2021) funding with YTB gallery (Toronto) to co-create a platform to support diverse, early career artists via professionalization, skill-building and networking training.
Gardner, P. & Stein, S. (2019). Encouraging diverse women’s success in information
communication technologies and media spaces. In R.A. Lind (Ed.), Race/Gender/Class/Media:
Considering diversity across audiences, content, and producers (pp. 256–261). Routledge.
(2018). Interventions in communication: ICA’s scholarly innovations that interrupt, resituate, alter results, and incite social change. In A. Shaw & and D. Travers Scott (Eds.), Interventions: Communication research and practice (pp. 15–30). Peter Lang. doi: 10.3726/b13081.
FemTechNet Collective Members (including Gardner, P). (2018). FemTechNet: A collective statement on teaching and learning race, feminism, and technology. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 39(1), 24–41. JoC 2018,
CCC 2020).
Ng, E. & Gardner, P. (2020). Location, location, location: The politics of ICA conference venues. Communication, Culture and Critique, 13(2), 265–269.
(2018). Diversifying ICA: Identity, difference, and the politics of transformation. [ICA
Presidential Address]. Journal of Communication, 68(1), 831–841. doi: 10.1093/joc/jqy050.